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Carolin Sadrozinski

Tech Due Diligence goes beyond numbers and code

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Decision-makers need more than just a surface-level understanding of a company’s technology to create a rosy future, whether they are an investor, a corporate buyer, or part of a merger and acquisition (M&A) process. They need a deep dive into the operational realities that will influence the company's long-term success. In today’s fast-paced tech environment, hands-on technical due diligence with a focus on people is key to making informed decisions. 

This requires a cross-functional team with broad industry knowledge and real-world experience that is not afraid to get a little annoying from time to time (this is where we usually come in). Our approach is grounded not only in technical expertise but also in the human element, recognizing that technology is only as effective as the people behind it. Having worked with a wide range of investors and corporations such as 1KOMMA5° or Tenzir, we understand that true due diligence goes beyond numbers and code. It requires understanding the technology, culture, challenges, and potential of the entire organisation, while also helping to establish fact-based valuations and ensure smooth integrations in corporate planning.

Running a Tech Due Diligence: More than just theory

Extensive, hands-on experience across a wide range of industries is critical to conducting Tech Due Diligence. At Tektit, every team member has worked in tech-driven companies, from startups to large enterprises, covering sectors like fintech, energy, healthcare, SaaS, AI, cybersecurity, and beyond. This depth of experience helps identify not only the obvious, but also the hidden obstacles that only those with practical knowledge can see.

Whether it is recognizing technical debt, operational bottlenecks, or team dynamics that could impact future scalability, you only know what to look for if you have encountered these challenges firsthand. Practitioners know what works in the field, and can spot early warning signs that could affect an investment, acquisition, or corporate strategy down the line.

A team of experts across multiple disciplines is truly able to deliver high-quality, actionable insights, ensuring that every aspect of a company’s technology, business, and operations is thoroughly evaluated:

  • Technical expertise: experienced engineers and developers dive deep into the technology stack, performing comprehensive code reviews, infrastructure audits, and security assessments. They evaluate the scalability and maintainability of the systems in place and provide detailed recommendations for improvement.

  • Product management alignment: Product development experts assess how well the technology supports the product roadmap and whether the company’s development processes are optimised for innovation and agility. They look at how quickly new features can be brought to market and whether the tech team can adapt to evolving customer needs. 

  • Operational and financial impact: Strategists analyse how the technology affects the company’s financial health, including its capacity to support business growth and operational efficiency. They translate technical risks into financial implications, allowing investors and corporate buyers to understand how tech challenges may impact valuation, return on investment (ROI), or integration costs.

  • Security and compliance: Governance experts conduct thorough security audits and ensure that the target company meets necessary regulatory requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), particularly in industries where compliance is critical.

Understanding the people behind the tech

One of Tektit’s core beliefs is that technology alone does not drive success — people do. Qualified, motivated employees are often a company’s most valuable asset, and understanding the talent, leadership, workflow and culture of the organisation is crucial in any tech due diligence process. 

For this reason, it is not enough to review documents, financials, or code. You need to take the time to talk to employees across all hierarchical levels, from engineers and product managers to CTOs and CEOs. These conversations give valuable insights into the strength of the team, the organisational culture, and the company's ability to execute on its product roadmap.

Listening properly to the people behind the technology will give you insights into:

  • Team structure and whether the right talent is in place to support future growth

  • Employee morale and motivation, key indicators of long-term productivity and innovation

  • Leadership vision and its alignment with both technical and business strategies

  • Processes and operational bottlenecks and areas where teams may need additional support or resources

This provides a more complete picture of the company’s long-term potential. After all, even the best technology is worthless without the right people and process to develop, maintain, and scale it.

Informed decisions based on Tech Due Diligence

Every business is unique. Therefore, Tech Due Diligence should be based on the business model or the value chain of the target company (“fit for purpose”). The goal of assessments is not just about highlighting risks — they have to provide actionable recommendations that investors and companies can use to make informed decisions. This includes:

  • Clear risk assessments, with practical solutions to address any uncovered issues.

  • Employee feedback from discussions with the target company’s team, offering insights into team dynamics and morale, which are often early indicators of future success or failure.

  • A tech vision that provides a solid foundation for incorporating technology resources and improvement measures into the acquirer’s strategic planning. Whether it is integrating platforms, scaling infrastructure, or developing new products, these insights help align the acquired company’s technology with the corporate vision.

  • Fact-based price recommendations for corporate buyers, helping ensure that the acquisition is based on a thorough, data-driven understanding of the company’s technology and its growth potential.

  • Post-deal integration strategies, helping investors and corporations plan for smooth transitions and identify key areas to support growth or streamline operations.

  • Long-term growth recommendations based on both technical assessments and human factors, ensuring that the company can scale effectively in the future.

Tektit takes pride in having a cross-functional, deeply practical team to perform Tech Due Diligence. By combining extensive industry experience, a focus on the people behind the technology, and tailored, actionable recommendations, we provide our clients with the full picture they need to make well-informed decisions — whether they’re investing, acquiring, or planning for future growth.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our unique approach to tech due diligence can support your next investment, acquisition, or corporate strategy.

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